Hello! We are the MPA; which stands for Mental People's Association.
It was created due to our craziness. We have our leader to lead us in our crazy yet utterly fun missions, LWN.
The others include Amanda, Sofia, Jo, and Rachel. We together write our famous series of books, the MSB. It's darn famous! Bestseller!
We used to be together as one in 6Care'08 in FHPS, but have thus been cruelly separated by a twist of fate...
Now we're just basically scattered all around Singapore islandwide! :D
We love to gossip, sweet stuff, and being together.


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6Care '08
Hao Chen
(NEW! ^^;) Hui Xin
MPA Team Blog 1
Rui Lin
Wan Lin
Wei Na
Xuan Meng

June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 November 2010 December 2010

Saturday, October 31, 2009 @ 8:57 PM

Hallo, this is Hui Xin.
Hai, haven been posting since I couldn't find anything to post (other than GD stuff).
Yep, so sorriez.
Btw about our outing horh. Let's fix a date. Okay, what days you all not available? I'm not available on Tuesdays and Fridays, I think, since I may have to go to NPCC. Also got some days i think I have to go and see some Old Folk's Home, but haven confirm. THEN I also have my Korea trip, but tat one also never confirm. :D
Okay, so Tuesday and Friday ruled out. Sunday and Saturday also ruled out because Wan Lin's parents won't let her go, issit? I tink so, haha sorriez if it is not. So tat leaves us with Monday Wednesday Thursday.

QQ tat's a very boring topic.
Um jux asking, is Amanda coming? Because tat naughty little girl never ever came to any of the other meetings, not even Teacher's day! We never get to see her lorhs. I dun care orh, Mandy you mux come!!! We will alter the dates for you so dun try to wiggle out of it. :P
Oh yah wad you all want for Christmas prezzie eh? Better tell me now in case I end up buying G-Dragon socks or G-Dragon wallets for you all, QQ. Haha. You guys know me well enuf to know tat i may end up doing tat, and Rui Lin dun b hero and say tat I dun nid to buy anything horh! :D
Okay I have rattled my head off, bye.

Hui Xin

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 @ 9:35 PM
BOWLING okay okay?

Rui Lin is here to update this blog (:
Well, I think we should go for bowling in Chevrons!!!
Like really fun one. Hoho, its much better than our usual Jurong Point trust me.
Lezz have a change *winkwink*
Can can can? Im eggcited for one.
We dont need a membership card, do we?
Each game's $3 and rental of bowling shoes is $1.
So, save up now if you guys agree, yeahs? (:
Oh, and maybe we meet up once every 3 weeks okay? Or monthly? During holidays okay? (:

-miss you guys :B
From your oldest member in MPA~

@ 4:10 PM

Yes huixin i think that u r spamming the blog like siao. u exams over alr means u so free and u on the com every min of the day huh. aiyoyo. u know me looking at ur posts about G-Dragon gives me a headache cos i hv absolutely no idea wad u r talking about... all i can say is, i will stick to english songs forever and ever, well with some exceptions. i love SS501. bleh~ i've been staring at the computer the whole dady and my eyes are now very very very tired. god. i'm so bored. wonder if i will die of boredom during the coming 2 months holidays. haiz. which is like really sucks la. u guys can start tagging at my blog again, i've started updating liao. oh and i think i know why huixin spam at our blog so much liao. she's a very talkative young lady and she doesn't hv her owm blog, so to express all her thoughtsat the MPA's blog, which is really kind of her.really. budden hor, i hv a favor to ask u, huixin, that u pls stop spamming the blog with korean bands and stuff-.- cos i really really wouldn't visit this blog anymore if u continue like this. :[
oh and regarding the outing hor, where do u guys wanna go? i will hv to ask my mom when she's in a good mood so that she will not insist in tagging along to make sure we're safe and are not kidnapped by some random bad guys-.-*rolls eyes* she's always this paranoid. god. u guys hv no idea how lucky u all are, without a parent breathing down ur neck every min of ur life. sometimes i really just feel like yelling and taking out everything on her. even my dad agrees. god help me for once man. argh :/
anw, some suggestions here:
- bowling @ Chevrons (near IMM)
- go escape theme park (it's really fun)
- watch movie AGAIN?!
- go playground play (my mom suggest de which is like really -.- she said dun need pay munny mah. and she means those neighbourhood playgrounds)
- go sumone's house play??

aiyo i dunno liao la my eyes are straining now and i've got a headache i dun care le. just tell me wad's the decision and dun go "anything" cos that'll be really insincere/unsincere. laters.
>WanLin xoxo
P.S. do i sound cranky in this post? if i do, i apologise. i'm not in my bestest mood now.

Thursday, October 22, 2009 @ 11:13 PM

Hallo and this is a post tat has nuttin to do with G-Dragon.
Okay, just telling you I maybe on my way out of NP!
Because I got a headache and the doctor gave me my "ticket to freedom"... a letter to the CCA teacher-in-charge!!! Saying that I cannot take sun exposure and strenuous activities.
*does a little dance*
Just sharing because I dun seem to have anything else (other than G-Dragon) to share.

Hui Xin (visit mee new blog! @ )

Monday, October 19, 2009 @ 5:06 PM
YG Entertainment is the IN thing now

KeKe. Xuan Meng just posted that he liked Wondergirls, who is ...


Actually its the same as G-Dragon's band nyah horh. But still.
(Big Bang. He's the leader. ((He composed the song "Lies" which was the song that made Big Bang famous!) *bops to "Lies"))

See see see the YG Family is the IN thing. Well at least in Korea. At least to me.

But G-dragon isn't very close to WonderGirls. The YG Entertainment tried to make a WonderBang (WonderGirls and Big Bang) before but I dun think much of it.

G-Dragon actually likes being with his other YG sisters, 2NE1. (who are so popular they are on Korea's tourism board...)

Yeah lah but still YG IS IN! G-DRAGON and 2NE1 and WONDERGIRLS!

KeKe. I'm spammer number 1.

Hui Xin (Everybody just clap your hands! :D)

@ 4:55 PM
Going Gaa-gaah

OOOOOH MEE GAWD. Look at this people! Damn cute!


I wonder if Wan Lin will "lecture" me on spamming, but at least I'm posting. Yeah? Look on the brighter side.

Oooh yeah and um, MPA, quickly finish your exams then we can go outing!! You noe I think we prolly are the group of friends who are the most united/bonded.

+.+ b We are good.
I mean you don't see Charmy hanging out wif Min Yee and you dun see Khanaga hanging out wif her usual peeps. Well we have changed as much as they have but we are still together! (Eh um no offence nyah horh.)

Yeah people clap! CLAP CLAP! *Imitates G-Dragon* "Clap your hands everybody, everybody just clap your hands"!

We should pat ourselves on the back with something heavy.

Anyway jux crapping here.

Hui Xin (forever support G-Dragon!!!)

Saturday, October 17, 2009 @ 9:10 PM

Hey ppl. I'm now in a G-Dragon craze. Well yea, tat is very de obvious. ^^; Anyway.

Why aren't you all posting? Where did you all go? Exam not over le mah? Quickly post leh, I have to keep feeding our pet blog... no more food left lerh...

Haha talking about pets remind me of GD's pet doggy GAHO!!! Who is just as adorable as his papa!!! Ahaha I luv GAHO!!!


Oh yah where you all going for holidays eh? Imma going to Korea somewhere in late november.

You thinking what I'm thinking?


Aha ha ha ha ha ha luv luv luv luv

Okay, I'm spamming.
Hui Xin (forever GAHO and GD fan)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 @ 7:02 PM

Yoz people.
I realized that having an idol is really fun. (^0^) b . Keeps me in a happy mood all day.
~(^-^)~. <-That's me dancing.

And horh, tell me when we are having a meeting again... Bcos I will have to start saving money, and get all my x'mas prezzies ready... :D

Can't wait to see u all again...

<3, Hui Xin (who will still like GD no matter what Rui Lin and Amanda says)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 @ 3:46 PM
Kwon Ji Young!! <3

Hey ppl! Who rocks my socks off? It's G-Dragon! And here I've got some photos of him in the mv's in the post below. Sorry if I'm spamming but yeah.

^^^ My favourite photo!!!!!!! ^^^

Doesn't he make you melt. Sadly he's already got another "girlfriend" called Dara from 2NE1 hu's from the same company. Well, here's a vid of their performance. :D It's called "Hello" and may seem cheesy but it's not.

He's actually singing about how to get a girl, and what clothes you should wear.
Hui Xin (<3ing>

@ 1:10 PM
G DRAGON ROCKS! The first vid is called "Breathe" The second is Heartbreaker

This song's "Breathe" which has a bit of a bad element but the way he acts so damn cute and happy makes him soooo adorable!(KYAA!) The preview at the end is for a new song called "A Boy" but the MV haven't come out yet. And the dog licking his face is his own dog. Yes, he has a dog. And that dog is the only living creature on Earth that has ever french-kissed G-Dragon... He just adores it...

This song's called "HeartBreaker", which topped charts for WEEKS, won KBS Music Show (Music Competion) 2 weeks in a row! Won him the trophy of "2008's Most Influential Man" and the hearts of millions! Is also a mega mega hit in Korea! (And in me too.) Pfft at wondergirls and their stupid "Nobody" song! This is the real deal ppl! And it's written by him, cos' a girl once broke his heart when he was young. (Aww...) It's all about this girl who breaks his heart and he's sorta angry. And the preview is for Breathe (above).